Author Topic: Surf Timers  (Read 6182 times)

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Surf Timers
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2009, 02:13:12 AM »
Traffic exchanges vary the time that they have their members view sites, either Manually or Automatically. Some people like the faster pages, and some the slower. When surfing a faster site, you get to glance quickly as the pages load and reload in your browser, then you get more credits for the faster views. You have to realize there is a Disadvantage for that because other people surfing do not get much time to see your sites that you are advertising and have lesser time to respond if they want to check more into it. Sure most sites have a place to click to open a site that you are viewing, but you have to be fast and click the right place otherwise the page is gone quickly. Some sites may repeat more frequently than others, depending on the number of users surfing and or the credits that that site actual has for viewing. Slower views may result in less credits when surfing for a period of time, but Your sites will be seen more thoroughly and if people are interested they have alot more time to react and open your site for what interests them. Obviously all this refers to autoSurf sites, otherwise if you were manual surfing you could stay on a page as long as you would want to. This poll is to get an idea how surfers like their autosurf sites! - Pro Ads Plus Advertising Exchange!

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