As time goes on websites expand, update and for the most part improve their appearances, performance or whatever would appeal to the web surfer. Seems as though Rapidshare has gone thru that phase with improving the appearance, but also depreciating on their performance. Sure there might be some movie or graphics set I or anyone might be interested in seeing. Simple enough click wait a min or so and download. Well not for rapidshare, now you have to wait at least 5 minutes to download anything as a free member. What good is that? Sure if you do not want any free member traffic, this is the way to do it. With a very confusing system change for members a while back I quit being a member. Now with this ridiculous waiting, my answer is JUST STAY AWAY from there!! With so many other sites offering the same services and a whole lot less wait time, it time to put rapidshare at the end of the line.